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Who am I?

I'm a Geek, Pescetarian/Vegetarian for 20 years, Mountain Biker, Bicycle Tourer, and Bike to work. I also enjoy reading, writing on this blog and spending time with my wife and daughter.

My favorite things in life are:

1) My family and friends. They have always been the most important thing in my life. I wouldn't be here without them!

2) Science! It's what makes me happy and keeps me sane.

3) The outdoors! I love exploring new places and meeting
interesting people.

4) Comics! (And video games!)

5) Music! I love listening to music and dancing to it.

6) Movies! I like watching movies and TV shows that are funny or twisted(Black Mirror).

7) Books! I like reading fantasy, action, adventure, and fiction.

8) Bicycling! It's one of the things I love that doesn't involve getting sick.

9) Adventure! Whether that means traveling to new places, meeting new people or doing new things.

I'm not really sure what else to put here. If you have any questions, just ask!

